Where’s my info?
A common challenge companies encounter is the lack of accessible information. In reality, they often possess all the necessary data, but it’s scattered across different sources. Indy is a smart search assistant that quickly locates the information you need, using just a straightforward natural language request.
Ask Indy,
your smart
You’ve got a business question and you don’t exactly know how to retrieve the information?
Ask Indy, he knows!

Runs beautifully

Indy is flexible and can run at different locations, according to your needs:
Use cases
Indy, Lindy, Cindy,…
Your colleague, your choice.
Indy doesn’t mind how you name him, all he cares for is being part of your team, as your smart search assistant that makes your company run smoothly.

Integrate Indy with your company tools.
The great thing about Indy is, you can keep working the way you were used to, through Slack, Teams,… or whatever tool that can host a HTML widget. Indy wants to make it as simple as possible to make your company more efficient.